Inclement Weather Playbook

What do we do if there is a storm?With the increase in extreme weather,  OSAC has developed an inclement weather playbook for our members.  Here is the link: Inclement Weather Playbook

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Block Booking: The Cornerstone of the OSAC Model

Block booking is the key component of the OSAC model. Most performers will consider lowering their per/performance fees if a number of performances can be grouped into a tour of consecutive dates. It is to the arts councils' advantage to consider this and to see which performers other arts councils may be booking when choosing their programming. Ho...

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Preparing for the Season Performances

It takes time to prepare a successful performance.  The more a committee can delegate specific tasks to specific individuals the less stressful it is for all involved. This is not always possible though, so the committee should be cognizant of the volunteer capital they have and program their season accordingly. 1. Prepare a projected budget, ...

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Planning the Season & Selling a Series

OSAC Arts Councils for many years have been successful in selling a season series subscription in their communities. For example, they may offer 3 performances for $60 as opposed to single event tickets for $25 per performance. Many have been successful announcing and having season tickets available for their patrons at the last performance of the ...

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Performing Arts Selection Process and Booking Deadlines

The selection process starts eleven months in advance of any particular season. Showcases are presented at Showcase in October every year to begin touring as early as September of the following year. Price Lists and OSAC Performing Arts Online Directory Price Lists of performers interested in touring Saskatchewan are distributed by mail to Arts cou...

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Performing Arts Program Eligibility Criteria

Here are some of the key elements that make the OSAC model work for all members. This is taken from the OSAC Performing Arts HandbookSAMEFEE Artscouncils will pay the same fee to a showcasing performer,when negotiated by OSAC, regardless of geographical location or population. Theonly exception will be if there is some special consideration, e...

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To "Advance" a show simply means you will connect with the tour contact person a few weeks prior to the performance to go over the needs of the performer and confirm load in times etc. An advance is critical to both parties knowing exactly what should be expected of each other on the day of the show and a good advance will make for a smooth stress-...

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 It is always a good idea to prepare your stage notes for introducing a performer before the event.  No one wants to forget a sponsor, VIP or where the artist is from while on stage.  We all may feel very confident we have everything prepared in our heads, but the bright lights and your all your patrons looking up at you can allow do...

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The aim of the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils' (OSAC's) performing arts program is to assist arts councils to present live, high quality performances from a diverse range of cultures and disciplines to enhance the quality of life in Saskatchewan, and to develop a future audience for the performing arts. 3.1Strategies: 3.1.1 To offer art...

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  578 Hits