Performing Arts in Schools
Stories of Friendship, Tales that Build Peace
Touring Spring 2024
In 2022/23, the School Touring Program presented in-person presentations involving the following disciplines: Bollywood Dance, Dance featuring Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Components, World Music, and Theatre. The total audience numbers were approximately 19,329 students and teachers. There were four tours, involving 54 schools and travelling to 43 communities throughout the province. Lead teachers in each school contributed approximately 76 non-classroom hours to coordinate these presentations.
This program engages professional performing artists, representing a variety of disciplines to perform for Saskatchewan schools. Each year, a jury of school members, arts educators, and youth, reviews performer applications and support material. Artists are chosen based on the quality of performance, educational content, curriculum connections, and diversity.
Member arts councils, schools from rural, urban, reserve schools, and school divisions are all eligible to book. Block booking helps to lower the performance fee as travel expenses are amortized over two or more weeks. Schools pay a $30 annual associate member fee when they book, and a $10 fee is added to the price of each presentation.
Dallas Arcand (AB) Hoop Dancer
Touring Spring 2024
For over 50 years, OSAC has nurtured the traditions of presenting excellence in the performing arts for adults, children, and family audiences in various genres and disciplines. OSAC annually presents over 300 live community and school performances, attended by a total audience of approximately 75,000.
This is possible because of a dedicated network of volunteers committed to making culture an integral part of Saskatchewan community life, and vital funding from Saskatchewan Lotteries, SaskCulture, and Canadian Heritage.
The Lotteries program benefits more than 12,000 sports, culture, and recreation organizations around the province. Each year 600,000 people participate in programs and from activities initiated by these organizations, over $1 billion of economic activity is generated, and 23,000 jobs are sustained.
“The OSAC school touring program allows us to provide high-quality arts events for our students. Our students can access performances that many would not experience otherwise. It also communicates to students and our school community that we value the arts and the arts, and artists, have an important place in our schools.” – Emerald Ridge Elementary School, White City
“We are in a rural community 3 hours away from Saskatoon and 4 hours away from Regina. Having access to our entire student body would not be a reality without the School Touring program. Our Allied Arts Council made this performance a possibility. They found the performance and paid for it for our students :)” – Hudson Bay Community School
“If OSAC did not coordinate the touring program, we likely wouldn't have any performances in our school. They make it really easy for us as a school, we just need to register and provide a space and time.” – Pre Cam Community School, La Ronge