Benefits of Membership 

Please Contact Kevin Korchinski 
306.586.1220 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

1.  A group of people, interested in the arts, get together to discuss programming in their community and/or district.

2.  The group approaches OSAC for information on establishing an arts council. OSAC will provide a package of information to the group.

3.  OSAC Staff and/or Board members can visit the community if requested (travel and other associated costs are covered by OSAC) to meet with the prospective arts council.

4.  The prospective arts council decides what kind of organization will best meet their needs. The following is a list of guidelines and suggestions for the prospective arts council:

     - The mandate of the organization will have arts/culture as its primary focus
     - 7-10 members shall make up the organization
     - The organization shall be a non-profit organization
     - The organization will be encouraged to register as a non-profit corporation under the Saskatchewan Non-Profit
        Corporations Act

     - The organization may also want to register with Revenue Canada for a charitable status number
       (the organization can then give official tax-deductible receipts for donations)

5.  If the group decides it would like to form an arts council and join OSAC, the following is required:

     - The official name of the organization
     - The mission statement/purpose of the organization
     - A list of the organization's executive
     - The name of the contact person, address, etc
     - Completion of the membership registration form
     - Submission of the annual membership fee ($200.00 + $10.00 GST + $12.00 PST = $222.00

6.  The membership application is taken to the OSAC Board of Directors for ratification.

7.  The prospective arts council is informed of the Board of Directors' decision.

8.  The new arts council becomes eligible for services offered to OSAC members. 


Any school centre automatically becomes an associate member of OSAC:

1.  Upon payment of the prescribed annual membership fee ($30.00 + $1.50 GST +$1.80 + $33.30) collected when booking a Performing Arts in Schools Program.

2.  The Associate membership allows access to information and services applicable to school performing arts programs.